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Triangle Transit Authority
Shook Kelley was retained as part of a consultant team to provide strategic guidance and planning related to Transit Oriented Development (TOD) for the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA), which includes Wake, Orange and Durham counties in North Carolina, as a part of their effort to seek a 1/2 cent sales tax for transit, and to apply for New Starts funding.

Shook Kelley was the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) consultant and integral member of the larger multi-discipline URS Team [including URS Corporation, Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PC, and Basile Baumann Prost Cole & Associates, Inc.], working for Triangle Transit to provide strategic and design guidance in the evaluation of potential TOD development surrounding the proposed transit stations located along three separate corridors within the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina region.
On behalf of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and its local government partners, Triangle Transit has developed an Alternatives Analysis (AA) in order to identify the most appropriate initial investment in fixed-guideway transit service along three Corridors within Wake, Durham, and Orange County. The AA is a component of the Triangle Regional Transit Program (TRTP), a comprehensive effort to develop expanded bus and fixed guideway networks across these counties.
In partnership with Wake, Durham, and Orange County and municipal governments, and institutional planning and engineering agencies, a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Assessment and Supplement Report for each of the three transit Corridors was prepared by Shook Kelley on behalf of the TRTP/URS Team. The TOD Assessments and Supplements are now being used to inform the AA process and as a primer and interactive, analytical planning tool focusing on the assessment of existing conditions influencing TOD development potential within each Station Area along the Wake and Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit (LRT), and Durham-Wake County Commuter Rail Transit (CRT) Corridors.
Lead by Shook Kelley and the TRTP/URS Team, the TOD assessment process revolved around three sets of interactive Station and Station Area Planning Workshops between October 2010 and January 2011 with process partners including planning and transportation staff from the municipal and county governments within the study area, as well as other institutions and organizations with an interest in or responsibility for planning in those areas.
By design, the TOD Assessments and Development Potential Analysis implemented within each report are qualitative in nature in order to stimulate general, yet productive discussion and facilitate an efficient and concise evaluation of existing attributes influencing TOD development potential surrounding each Station.
Moving forward, both the local governments and institutions encompassing each Station Area have been encouraged to supplement each component of the TOD Assessment and Supplement Reports and use them as flexible planning tools; and, to continue refinement of the preliminary TOD assessments for confirmation and enhancement of current TOD development performance along with future evaluation of potential TOD development scenarios within Station Areas along each Corridor. Shook Kelley remains an active member of the TRTP/URS Team to assist with on-going and future strategic and design guidance for TOD development.
Shook Kelley was the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) consultant and integral member of the larger multi-discipline URS Team [including URS Corporation, Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PC, and Basile Baumann Prost Cole & Associates, Inc.], working for Triangle Transit to provide strategic and design guidance in the evaluation of potential TOD development surrounding the proposed transit stations located along three separate corridors within the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina region.
On behalf of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and its local government partners, Triangle Transit has developed an Alternatives Analysis (AA) in order to identify the most appropriate initial investment in fixed-guideway transit service along three Corridors within Wake, Durham, and Orange County. The AA is a component of the Triangle Regional Transit Program (TRTP), a comprehensive effort to develop expanded bus and fixed guideway networks across these counties.
In partnership with Wake, Durham, and Orange County and municipal governments, and institutional planning and engineering agencies, a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Assessment and Supplement Report for each of the three transit Corridors was prepared by Shook Kelley on behalf of the TRTP/URS Team. The TOD Assessments and Supplements are now being used to inform the AA process and as a primer and interactive, analytical planning tool focusing on the assessment of existing conditions influencing TOD development potential within each Station Area along the Wake and Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit (LRT), and Durham-Wake County Commuter Rail Transit (CRT) Corridors.
Lead by Shook Kelley and the TRTP/URS Team, the TOD assessment process revolved around three sets of interactive Station and Station Area Planning Workshops between October 2010 and January 2011 with process partners including planning and transportation staff from the municipal and county governments within the study area, as well as other institutions and organizations with an interest in or responsibility for planning in those areas.
By design, the TOD Assessments and Development Potential Analysis implemented within each report are qualitative in nature in order to stimulate general, yet productive discussion and facilitate an efficient and concise evaluation of existing attributes influencing TOD development potential surrounding each Station.
Moving forward, both the local governments and institutions encompassing each Station Area have been encouraged to supplement each component of the TOD Assessment and Supplement Reports and use them as flexible planning tools; and, to continue refinement of the preliminary TOD assessments for confirmation and enhancement of current TOD development performance along with future evaluation of potential TOD development scenarios within Station Areas along each Corridor. Shook Kelley remains an active member of the TRTP/URS Team to assist with on-going and future strategic and design guidance for TOD development.