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Fuel Pizza Cafe
Fuel Pizza Café was a restaurant with a neighborhood ambience drawing patrons from throughout the city. Shook Kelley assisted the owners in site selection, choosing a 1920s Pure Oil service station in a redeveloping neighborhood—thus the name Fuel was born.

The existing building was unoccupied, underutilized and poorly maintained, but was a good example of a 1920s Tudor-style architecture and held important links to an era of small-town businesses and their former pivotal roles within the community.'
A much-needed urban revitalization project
Memorabilia and gas station artifacts were in keeping with the concept. Fuel Pizza Café was a much-needed urban revitalization project that enhances and preserves the charm of a re-emerging neighborhood.
The existing building was unoccupied, underutilized and poorly maintained, but was a good example of a 1920s Tudor-style architecture and held important links to an era of small-town businesses and their former pivotal roles within the community.'
A much-needed urban revitalization project
Memorabilia and gas station artifacts were in keeping with the concept. Fuel Pizza Café was a much-needed urban revitalization project that enhances and preserves the charm of a re-emerging neighborhood.