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Shook Kelley developed of a new brand vision and master plan for Springhills, with a common shared vision for the area that is intended to carefully enhance the growth of the area, while ensuring preservation of its greatest natural assets.

Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT) and SantaFe HealthCare (SFHC) together share ownership of a substantial part of an area of redevelopment long known to Gainesville, Florida and surrounding Alachua County as Springhills. Both owners share a common appreciation of the incredible responsibility each has to be the best possible stewards of the area, both in terms of protecting its most significant natural assets and for creating a real and enduring community for those generations that will live, work and visit Springhills. The vision and master plans articulate the belief of the development team that a mutually reinforcing balance be achieved between Natural Habitats and Human Habitats, and that the community of Springhills must find ways to recognize and celebrate both - not one at the expense of the other.
In the development of our land and our communities, the habitats of human beings should be considered equally to the habitats of nature.
Shook Kelley developed a vision complete with a carefully crafted set of Organizing Principles for developing the area—in a manner and at a scale that respects and protects the intrinsic natural qualities of this wonderful area—while creating a unique place for people to celebrate life, to associate with one another and to interact with nature. The shared master plan incorporates the different development focus of PREIT and Santa Fe. The PREIT component principally defines the retail based gathering place and the residential neighborhoods, with medical clinics, office and other workplace environments being the principal uses within the Santa Fe development. Both will be served by a future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that will link Springhills and the nature preserves beyond to Santa Fe Community College, the University of Florida, and the neighborhoods of Gainesville along its way.
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT) and SantaFe HealthCare (SFHC) together share ownership of a substantial part of an area of redevelopment long known to Gainesville, Florida and surrounding Alachua County as Springhills. Both owners share a common appreciation of the incredible responsibility each has to be the best possible stewards of the area, both in terms of protecting its most significant natural assets and for creating a real and enduring community for those generations that will live, work and visit Springhills. The vision and master plans articulate the belief of the development team that a mutually reinforcing balance be achieved between Natural Habitats and Human Habitats, and that the community of Springhills must find ways to recognize and celebrate both - not one at the expense of the other.
In the development of our land and our communities, the habitats of human beings should be considered equally to the habitats of nature.
Shook Kelley developed a vision complete with a carefully crafted set of Organizing Principles for developing the area—in a manner and at a scale that respects and protects the intrinsic natural qualities of this wonderful area—while creating a unique place for people to celebrate life, to associate with one another and to interact with nature. The shared master plan incorporates the different development focus of PREIT and Santa Fe. The PREIT component principally defines the retail based gathering place and the residential neighborhoods, with medical clinics, office and other workplace environments being the principal uses within the Santa Fe development. Both will be served by a future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that will link Springhills and the nature preserves beyond to Santa Fe Community College, the University of Florida, and the neighborhoods of Gainesville along its way.