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Shook Kelley has designed many mixed-use projects – from Appalachian Mountain settings, to the flat lands of Florida – but never upon 300 acres with a vast amount of vertical elevation change. However, such is the setting for Montecillo Town Center.

The town center will be the gathering place for a mixed-use community for over 4,000 residences. Planned by Moule & Polyzoides as El Paso’s first Smart Growth community in response to the city’s new Form Based zoning ordinace, the town center is literally set within a steep canyon, or arroyo. From it’s perch those who choose to dine, shop or live here will have majestic views on to the Spartan West Texas landscape, and to the distant mountains of Mexico just over the adjacent border. The public realm of the town center cascades down the hill, beginning with the terrace of the Alamo Drafthouse, first passing through and around steps and terraces that interlock with a series of restaurants before calmly terminating around a shared plaza worthy of many notable ones built over the past centuries in the Spanish inspired West. There will be nothing like it, anywhere!
The town center will be the gathering place for a mixed-use community for over 4,000 residences. Planned by Moule & Polyzoides as El Paso’s first Smart Growth community in response to the city’s new Form Based zoning ordinace, the town center is literally set within a steep canyon, or arroyo. From it’s perch those who choose to dine, shop or live here will have majestic views on to the Spartan West Texas landscape, and to the distant mountains of Mexico just over the adjacent border. The public realm of the town center cascades down the hill, beginning with the terrace of the Alamo Drafthouse, first passing through and around steps and terraces that interlock with a series of restaurants before calmly terminating around a shared plaza worthy of many notable ones built over the past centuries in the Spanish inspired West. There will be nothing like it, anywhere!